Way Too Indiecast 49: Winter Movie Guide, Best of 2015 Recap

By @waytooindie
Way Too Indiecast 49: Winter Movie Guide, Best of 2015 Recap

Bernard and CJ kick off 2016 by looking back at Way Too Indie’s Best Films of 2015 list as well as looking at the big releases that are in theaters right now. From The Hateful Eight, to JoyAnomalisaThe Revenant and more, they’ve got you covered as you brave the winter cold to see the latest movies at your local cinema. You’ve seen our Best of 2015 feature already, but do the boys agree with how things ultimately shook out on the staff-voted list? Considering CJ’s infamously dissentious nature, things could get interesting. Plus…INDIE PICKS OF THE WEEEEEEEK!!!


  • Indie Picks (5:54)
  • Best Films of 2015 (16:50)
  • Winter Movie Guide (52:45)

Articles Referenced

The Hateful Eight Review
Joy Review
Anomalisa Review
The Revenant Review
Sisters Review
Tangerine Review

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