Darren Aronofsky’s next film will be “Noah”

Many people were disappointed when they found out that Darren Aronofsky dropped out of making Wolverine and since then rumors have been swirling on what the next project he would be taking on. Aronofsky fans such as myself knew his work would be of epic proportions, but did not know it would be of a biblical one.
Noah is set to be his next film which will likely be a dark interpretation of the Noah’s Ark story. According to Deadline, it will likely begin shooting in July with a budget of around $130 million. That budget is a huge leap from his previous film, Black Swan, which made for $12 million back in 2010.
Aronofsky has been quoted saying how since a child he has been inspired by the epic story of Noah’s journey. Playing Noah was initially whispered to be Christian Bale but scheduling conflicts prevented him from the role. Now Russell Crowe’s name is being tossed around to play Noah.
We just have to hope that Aronofsky’s Noah actually does actually set sail and does not fall through like Wolverine did.
According to Paramount the release date of Noah will be March 28, 2014.