Later Babes managed to provide just enough of that catchy hit to sing along to without letting it become boring.
Later Babes managed to provide just enough of that catchy hit to sing along to without letting it become boring.
Since music has launched into the digital realm, mashups are becoming an increasingly popularly genre. While the hip-hop world has been sampling other artists’ music for decades, the concept of using an array of samples to create a complete song is still relatively new. Many music aficionados scoff at the idea as being a kitschy imitation of the original artist’s work—a mere overlaying of tracks upon tracks involving little musicality. However, I would argue that to produce a quality mashup (yes, there is such a thing) takes not only a intimate knowledge of the mechanics of music but a deep musical catalog that involves years of cultivation.
The sophomore release, DETH, from Later Babes is a perfect example of this. Sampling anything from Halls & Oats to 1979 soul hits like Peaches & Herb to the Ramones’ “Blitzkrieg Bop” to rappers I have never even heard of to 80s staples like “Take on Me,” Later Babes have produced a well rounded, interesting album. Not only does the album that not only holds your attention for its entire 50 minutes, it moves in such a way that you hardly realize that time is moving forward. Where some mashups feel rushed and tease the listener with only a brisk riff from a song, Later Babes managed to provide just enough of that catchy hit to sing along to without letting it become boring. Later Babes, which includes members from Sioux Falls groups Soulcrate Music and We All Have Hooks for Hands, also incorporates live keyboards and drums, a touch that provides additional continuity throughout the album.
Whether you need a new workout album, are looking for some music for a backyard rave, are planning a road trip playlist, or just enjoy geeking out and testing your music knowledge, DETH delivers on all these fronts plus some. The album will be available on the band’s BandCamp.