Way Too Indiecast 3: Anticipated TIFF Films & New Festival Policy

By @DJansick
Way Too Indiecast 3: Anticipated TIFF Films & New Festival Policy

The Toronto International Film Festival is right around the corner so we dedicated episode 3 of the Way Too Indiecast to all things TIFF. We discuss TIFF’s new policy regarding premieres and whether the policy is helping or hurting the festival. Next, we turn our discussion towards our most anticipated TIFF 2014 films which include Noah Baumbach’s While We’re Young, critical Cannes hit Force Majeure, the absurd looking Goodnight Mommy, and several other Toronto bound films.


  • 5 10 15 20 Game (1:38)
  • New TIFF Policy (8:30)
  • Most Anticipated TIFF 2014 (23:23)

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