‘Game of Thrones’ Leaks Before Season Premiere

By @DJansick
‘Game of Thrones’ Leaks Before Season Premiere

As hundreds of thousands of fans clear their schedules tonight for the season premiere of hugely popular HBO show Game of Thrones, piracy site users are already four episodes deep. The first four episodes of the upcoming fifth season of Game of Thrones leaked online Sunday morning on BitTorrent sites. These leaked episodes likely originated from review copies sent to press outlets, as TV critics are often sent the first four episodes for review consideration. According to TorrentFreak, these leaked episodes were downloaded more than 100,000 times in just three hours.

Game of Thrones is no stranger to piracy though. The show is the most pirated TV-show of the last three years.

Though despite these leaks, rest assured millions of viewers will still plant themselves firmly in front of their TVs for tonight’s season premiere. Including us! We’re branching out beyond film and music into the world of television, and Westeros seems as great a place to start as any.

In fact, our excitement is probably best summed up in this video from The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Enjoy!

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