Factory 25 Acquires Joe Swanberg’s ‘All the Light in the Sky’

New York independent film and music distributor Factory 25 has acquired rights to mumblecore god Joe Swanberg‘s (Drinking Buddies) All the Light in the Sky, starring Jane Adams (Hung.) Adams plays Marie, a middle-aged actress living in Malibu who’s struggling to find work in the twilight of her career. When her young niece (Sophia Takal) comes to visit her waterfront home, Marie feels compelled to confront her midlife insecurities, mostly involving trust issues with men.
All the Light in the Sky was one of our favorite films from SF Indiefest earlier this year, and we’re very glad it got picked up. The film also stars several Swanberg regulars including Simon Barrett, Kent Osborne, Larry Fassenden, Ti West, and more.
Factory 25 will release the film on VOD and iTunes on December 3rd, with a theatrical run in New York following shortly thereafter on December 20th.