Interview: Isaac Show – Later Babes

Isaac Show from Later Babes (review) talks about the newly formed DJ group that derived from his previous band (We All Have Hooks for Hands) and Soulcrate. We discuss how the group formed and how they nearly went by the name Mars Travolta instead of Later Babes. Also, we find out what food they would eat if they were trapped on an island.
How did Later Babes form out of We All Have Hooks for Hands and Soulcrate?
I (Isaac) just started making a mix for no reason in my basement, and then it caught a couple ears in Soulcrate, and we decided it needed to be played live. So with a lot of input from them (Soulcrate) and us (Hooks), we made it happen.
Where did the name, Later Babes, come from?
Myles had a drawer full of names, and we picked it out of a hat.
What were some of the other names in that hat?
Baby Snakes, Mars Travolta, Alabamarama, and Hiya Pals to name a few.
What made you decide to give away the album Lisa and do you plan on ever selling music under the band Later Babes?
We don’t own any of the music, so it has to be free. We will probably never sell you music, but we will sell you a T-shirt or 2.
You are shipping out free CD’s to anyone that provides you with their address, how many do you think you have sent out so far?
We still are, and I dont think we plan on stopping. We have shipped out close to 500 copies, and given away more than 1000.
What is the most difficult transition from mixing at home to playing live?
At home, no one can see you. And when we make this mix, we are very conscious of the fact that people will have to play with this live.
When you guys play live there is a keyboardist and drummer, do any of the tracks feature either of these on Lisa or just live?
There are added keyboard parts added, and few drums scattered here and there.
Can you describe your process of creating a mash-up song and how do you decide which songs to use?
Basically, create a pool of songs that we all like, and start at a certain tempo, and put as much of it together as you can. The key is to have more than you need. I think we used about 10% of the songs that were submitted by us all. In the future, we might take submissions from fans.
So I have to ask…what is up with all the cats?
Internet phenomenons. We are pretty much an internet band, so we need to follow internet trends. Cats, pizza, Doritos and maybe boobs next.
Who do you get your inspiration from?
From my friends, and growing up going to parties, and dancing to sweet indie jams in our living room.
Are you guys planning on ever going on tour or is this more of just side project for now?
Hooks is ending very soon (July 20th at the orphuem) and we have been scheduling a few out of town shows, to see if we can play to people who dont know who Hooks or Soulcrate is. So yes, it has been talked about.
Are there any plans on doing any follow-up albums to Lisa?
Working on it as we speak.
If you were trapped on an island and could only eat tacos or pizzas, which would it be?
Doritos Late Night Tacos, and Doritos Pizza Supreme. So Doritos it is. (pizza)