SouthpawBy Bernard Boo The best boxing matches are roller coasters of emotion, full of twists, shifts in momentum and ungodly displays of skill. Unlike a classic big-time fight, Southpaw, starring Jake Gyllenhaal as...
Big Significant ThingsBy Eli Hayes An exploration of the mundane unable to transcend the tedium of its character's lives.
UnexpectedBy Michael Nazarewycz A teacher and her student help each other navigate the challenges of their respective pregnancies in this terrific comedy/drama.
Bite (Fantasia Review)By Michael Nazarewycz Cold feet are the least of a bride's worries after she is bitten by a bug in this beautifully shot but unevenly told horror film.
RunoffBy Aaron Pinkston This small town character drama is as strong an indie debut as you'll see all year.
Nowhere Girl (Fantasia Review)By Michael Nazarewycz This art school-set Japanese drama has a sensational third act, but getting there is like watching paint dry.
3 1/2 Minutes, 10 BulletsBy Bernard Boo Minimalism is this trial doc's greatest strength, the integrity of its filmmaker its greatest virtue.
Frank the BastardBy Byron Bixler A psychological thriller about a woman confronting her dark past is riddled with superficial characterizations and inconsistencies.
Irrational ManBy Bernard Boo Allen's collegiate comedy retreads familiar themes, but Phoenix keeps you on your toes.
Observance (Fantasia Review)By C.J. Prince As a mood piece, 'Observance' is an effective little horror film.
TrainwreckBy Bernard Boo Schumer and Apatow make raunchy feel classy in their hilarious big-screen collaboration.
The Stanford Prison ExperimentBy C.J. Prince The legendary aspects of this true-life social experiment make up for its procedural approach.