Even though there are several flaws in the film, you learn to appreciate each character’s own qualities or personalities.
Undocumented Executive
Undocumented Executive is a bizarre story of a Mexican man wanting more from life than what his sister endures. His luck ensures that he turns up sharply dressed for the wrong interview, but being the ‘right man’ for the job; he is hired. The film introduces several different characters that push the story to delve deeper into its’ intended genre. Although it takes a while to kick in, Undocumented Executive lives up to the comedy standard – but only that. There are some awkward moments that doesn’t make sense for some particular moments, however, the dialogue continues to keep you watching.
The film opens with a montage of Jesus Gutierrez (Tony Guerrero) coming across the border from Mexico. We get a glimpse of the main character’s confident but slightly overbearing personality; his venture to the States is to pursue the American Dream. We are also introduced to his hard working sister, Rosa (Doris Morgado), who is employed as a maid for an uptight rich lady and already living in the US – she looks frustrated and exhausted but feels that this type of work is all that’s available to her and her brother. When the two meet after Jesus clambers off the bus with an excitable attitude towards living out his dream of becoming a businessman, Rosa tries to bring him to reality. Jesus’ somewhat dim-witted characteristics carry the main comedic value of the story for the entirety of the film, but the narrative seems like it has to try hard to make you laugh.
Undocumented Executive is irresistibly funny, but at the same time it has difficulty keeping the entertainment aspect alive. It alludes to the harsh reality of business politics in which employees of major corporations can be submitted to. I’d also like to point out that the ‘casual’ racism that is voiced throughout the film from all characters is quite unsettling and slightly off-putting. This said, even though there are several flaws in the film, you learn to appreciate each character’s own qualities or personalities.
Jesus Gutierrez and his assistant and partner in crime, Anita Vasquez (Melissa Ponzio), become somewhat of a force to be reckoned with, when the story and plot begins to kick in. Unfortunately, that is not until the last half an hour or so. Undocumented Executive delivers laughs on several occasions and for the most part keeps us entertained, as almost every scene is set up to do. The film does not lead you down any false paths and you eventually come accustomed to the director’s technique. However, the ending seemed very rushed as the conclusion is a little far-fetched and comes out of nowhere as the buildup just wasn’t present. Undocumented Executive ended up being an enjoyable light hearted, endearing indie comedy, but may have been better served as a documentary.