Way Too Indiecast 61: Tom Hiddleston and Marc Abraham, Dennis Hauck

By @BJ_Boo
Way Too Indiecast 61: Tom Hiddleston and Marc Abraham, Dennis Hauck

It’s a stunning lineup this week on the Way Too Indiecast as Loki himself, Tom Hiddleston, joins the show along with director Marc Abraham to talk about their new movie I Saw the Light, based on the final years of country music icon Hank Williams’ life. Mr. Hiddleston also talks about working with Elizabeth Olsen, learning to sing with country legends, and his take on irascible MCU fans.

Also joining the show is filmmaker Dennis Hauck, whose new film Too Late is in theaters now, exclusively screening in 35mm. The film stars John Hawkes as a private detective and is divided into five short stories, each consisting of one, uninterrupted shot. He talks about why the movie took years to make, his decision to only screen on 35mm, working with John Hawkes, and everything else you need to know about one of the most unique film releases of the year.


  • Tom Hiddleston and Marc Abraham Talk I Saw the Light (5:36)
  • Dennis Hauck Talks Too Late (43:03)

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