Way Too Indiecast 48: ‘The Winds That Scatter’ Director Christopher Jason Bell, Digging For Indie Gold

By @waytooindie
Way Too Indiecast 48: ‘The Winds That Scatter’ Director Christopher Jason Bell, Digging For Indie Gold

It’s a Dastardly Dissenter takeover as CJ hosts the show this week to welcome filmmaker Christopher Jason Bell to talk about his new film, The Winds That Scatter. It stars Ahmad Chahrour as a Syrian immigrant fighting to survive a rough American economy with an unusually positive attitude. Then, CJ and Christopher talk about the current state of film criticism, particularly journalists’ current obsession with listicles and “buzz-worthy” festival darlings. Surely, with a little digging, film critics like us can uncover hidden movie treasures that elude even the ever-expanding festival scene. Challenge accepted!


  • Indie Picks (1:29)
  • The Winds That Scatter (7:36)
  • Film Critic Call to Arms (46:48)

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