Watch: Short Term 12 trailer

By @johng5150
Watch: Short Term 12 trailer

Destin Cretton, writer/director of I Am Not a Hipster, is back with his next film, Short Term 12. The film stars Brie Larson (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World) as Grace; a girl in her 20’s who works at a facility for at-risk teens. Working at the center with her boyfriend, the film follows her as she navigates her job while doing her best to help the young, fragile minds that populate the facility.

The trailer for the film is quite endearing. Promising the audience to be taken on what looks to be a very emotional ride. The film debuted at SXSW were it was met with rave reviews almost across the board. One reviewer compared Larson’s performance to Ryan Gosling’s from his work in the indie darling Half Nelson from a few years ago. High praise if you ask me. We here at Way Too Indie can’t wait to see the film. The release date for Short Term 12 is August 23rd. You can check out the trailer below.

Watch the official trailer for Short Term 12:

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