Watch: Frances Ha trailer

IFC Films has put out a trailer for Frances Ha, Noah Baumbach’s (The Squid and the Whale, Kicking and Screaming, Greenberg) new film. Initially a bit of a secret project that star and co-writer Greta Gerwig was going to direct, Baumbach eventually took over directing duties on the relatively small-scaled production. It premiered last fall to raves at Telluride and Toronto, with IFC eventually snatching up the distribution rights. The trailer shows a change of pace for Baumbach, with a more comedic tone than his previous films. Watch the trailer below, but be warned: Fans of David Bowie might not get “Modern Love” out of their head after watching it (seemingly a direct nod to this scene from Leos Carax’s Mauvais Sang). Frances Ha comes out May 17th.
Watch the official trailer for Frances Ha: