TIFF 2014: Two Shots Fired
Two Shots Fired opens with teenager Mariano (Rafael Federman) dancing at a nightclub, going home, doing the chores and then, after discovering a gun in the garage, casually shooting himself twice. The first shot grazes his head, and the second goes into his stomach, the bullet lodged somewhere doctors can’t find. One week later Mariano gets sent back home, and Two Shots Fired spends its time following Mariano, his friends and relatives as they react to his suicide attempt.
Martin Rejtman’s film certainly has a unique tone. Mariano shows no signs of depression or mental issues, apparently shooting himself out of boredom more than anything. Other characters, all of whom act disaffected and speak in droll anecdotes, also make impulsive, life-altering decisions throughout. When Mariano recruits a young woman to join his Baroque, flute-playing quartet, she immediately decides to move to Buenos Aires and get a job in order to afford joining the group. The strange, awkward tone running throughout Two Shots Fired provides it with a bone-dry sense of humour.
The impulsive acts of the characters extends itself to the narrative as well, with Rejtman suddenly changing focus from Mariano to his mother when she goes on a vacation. It’s a surprising move, and like most everything else in the film, it’s hard to see the point. Rejtman creates a bizarre mood, but it’s not an especially appealing one. Two Shots Fired is certainly well-made, but its “light as a feather” demeanor works against it by the end, making it too forgettable to care about.