‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Trailer Drops, Movie Ticket Sites Crash

The new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer dropped tonight during Monday Night Football on ESPN, and while millions of fans rejoiced, many were too busy pulling their hair out trying to get tickets to the damn movie.
Pre-sale tickets to the hotly anticipated blockbuster went on sale tonight as well, and the sky-high demand crashed virtually every website that made the tickets available. The web’s largest vendor, Fandango, crashed almost immediately. Here’s the error message you’d see on the site if you tried to do, well, anything:

Somehow, I don’t think the thousands of frustrated Star Wars fans frantically clicking the refresh button on their browsers found the error “funny.”
Despite the online debacle, the new trailer did, in fact, play on ESPN on time, without a hitch, and it was AMAZING. Giving us longer looks at Adam Driver’s Vader fanboy Kylo Ren, Daisy Ridley’s Rey (and her cute lil buddy BB-8), and John Boyega’s lightsaber-wielding Finn, the explosive trailer is everything fans like yours truly could have hoped for. Check it out below (as if you haven’t already watched it 500 times):
Now that the trailer’s finally arrived, we’ll have to practice patience a little longer as we await the film’s December 18th release. For those of you who managed to secure your tickets, congratulations, you old pirate! For those of you who haven’t…
May the force be with you!