Check Out the New Trailer for the Oscar-Nominated ‘Tangerines’

By @GJVGarrison
Check Out the New Trailer for the Oscar-Nominated ‘Tangerines’

The Foreign Language category at the Oscars is always a highlight. It’s a chance to give some excellent films from all over the world some recognition in a race and ceremony where they wouldn’t normally (unfortunately). This year was no exception, with films clocking in from Poland, Russia, Estonia, Argentina, and Mauritania, with the winner of course being the visually stunning and rather expected, Ida (Poland’s entry).

So while the Oscars tend to splash up some excitement, some of the films still struggle for the spotlight. And today brings the trailer of one of the less talked-about but still highly buzzed Estonian film from director Zaza UrushadzeTangerines.

Tangerines finds Ivo (Lembit Ulfsak) and Margus (Elmo Nuganen), a pair of Estonian farmers, looking to harvest a wild crop of (you guessed it) tangerines in war-torn Georgia in the early 1990s. After the abandoned village they are clinging to is decimated by a battle, Ivo and Margus rescue and care for a pair of wounded and forgotten soldiers who happen to be from opposing sides of the bloody conflict.

The small cast is rounded out by Giorgi Nakhashidze and Mikheil Meskhi as the Chechen and Georgian soldiers, respectively. Written and directed by Urushadze, the film opens in limited release on April 17. Check out the pulsing new trailer.

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