New International Trailer for Terry Gilliam’s ‘The Zero Theorem’

Dangled before us since early last year, Terry Gilliam’s highly anticipated next film The Zero Theorem has a new international trailer that continues to tantalize us. With a vague “Summer 2014” expected US release, the film follows Qohen Leth, played by a very pale and bald Cristoph Waltz, an existentially angst riddled man in an Orwellian future. Qohen is a reclusive computer genius obsessed with his task of uncovering the meaning of life. Unwanted visitors continue to interrupt his progress, including a seductress played by Mélanie Thierry.
David Thewlis, Matt Damon and Tilda Swinton also star. Swinton, playing a character named Dr. Shrink-Rom and sporting a crazy set of fake teeth, proves she can act right through any ridiculous costume. Though it’s hard to remember the last role she had where she wasn’t playing an on-screen caricature.
At any rate, The Zero Theorem is part of Gilliam’s “Orwellian triptych” which includes his 1985 film Brazil and 1995’s 12 Monkeys. Both of are some of his best work and decidedly better than recent endeavors such as The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Tideland, and I won’t even mention a certain disappointing 2005 fairy tale flick. Glad to see Gilliam back at what he does best.
Check out the new trailer.