Jason Segel and Jesse Eisenberg Are All Talk for ‘The End of the Tour’ Trailer

The predominant theme emerging from Sundance Film Festival coverage of The End of the Tour was the revelatory performance from Jason Segel as David Foster Wallace. Starring alongside Jesse Eisneberg, Segel navigates the complexities of the late author’s troubled mind through the dialog-heavy exchanges about life, identity and anxiety. While Eisenberg has frequently demonstrated his ability to handle dramatic comedy tones, Segel has previously only shown glimpses of nuance through his Freaks & Geeks or Forgetting Sarah Marshall roles. Under the guidance of director James Ponsoldt (Smashed, The Spectacular Now), Jason Segel is said to have given his strongest performance to date, and may even be in store for an Oscar campaign later in 2015 according to some early prognosticators.
The End of the Tour is based on Rolling Stone contributor David Lipsky‘s book Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself, which chronicled the time Lipsky spent shadowing David Foster Wallace during his book tour for Infinite Jest. In the newly released first trailer, Eisenberg and Segel discuss the root of sadness flanked by the Mall of America’s indoor roller coaster, and debate whether or not they’d like to live as the other person. The contemplative, slightly melancholic first look at The End of the Tour provides a good glimpse for the mood audiences are likely to get from Ponsoldt’s new film, set to be released on July 31st.
Check out a new The End of the Tour trailer and poster below:
The End of the Tour poster: