Amy Winehouse Breaks Our Hearts All Over Again in First Trailer for ‘Amy’

When she passed away in 2011 at the mystically unlucky and considerably-too-young age of 27, musical artist Amy Winehouse left behind a huge following of admirers and fans. Her death was the sort that was all the more bitter in its feeling of inevitability. The singer/songwriter had struggled with alcoholism for many years, her visits to rehab made public by their obvious connection to her music and lyrics. But no matter how doomed she may have seemed, no one can deny the deep loss of a sincere and unique talent in the music world.
Now the acclaimed director of Senna and The Warrior, Asif Kapadia, has sliced together bits and pieces of footage of this deeply interesting women’s life into another of his deeply personal documentaries. Amy premiered at Cannes last week and has quickly become one of the most buzzed about films in competition this year. Already from the snippets put together in this first trailer the profound sadness of Amy Winehouse is deeply felt. Her rise to fame appears to be portrayed as something of a surprise occurrence to this highly artistic woman who only wanted to create the music she loved and got caught up (like so many have before her) in celebrity and expectation.
We know viewing this one will be a wrench in the heart, but Amy understood better than all of us what it means to go “back to black.”