Jordan Klassen speaks about his new album and the difficulties of touring

Americans, and especially some of the Texans I’ve met, have this weird illusion that Canada is completely the polar opposite of us. That everything there is just done completely differently and that everyone likes maple syrup the best. I don’t think that could be further from the truth. Truth be told, I didn’t ask Jordan about the maple syrup, so I can’t exactly be sure about that.
What I can tell you is that Canada is a wonderful country and Canadians like Jordan are pretty cool people. Jordan is a native Calgarian (that’s Vancouver, Calgary for those of that are semi-globally challenged like me) Jordan released his “sophomore” album Repentance earlier this year. Repentance is one of those albums that hits home with the listener right away, it’s soft folk melodies blur the line of genres as there’s a bit of a pop feel to Jordan’s vocals. It’s something you really have to hear for yourself to grasp. The album also has a great meaning behind it, but I’ll let Jordan tell you about that himself, take a gander at our chat below.
Jordan just wrapped a bit of tour down the coasts, hopefully we’ll see him again in the states, but you can always go check out his Youtube for vlogs and updates.