Samantha Steinmetz – Way Too Indie Independent film and music reviews Fri, 02 Dec 2016 17:34:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Way Too Indiecast is the official podcast of Our film critics grip and gush about the latest indie movies and sometimes even mainstream ones. Find all of our reviews, podcasts, news, at Samantha Steinmetz – Way Too Indie yes Samantha Steinmetz – Way Too Indie (Samantha Steinmetz – Way Too Indie) The Official Podcast of Way Too Indie Samantha Steinmetz – Way Too Indie Wild Girl Waltz Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 I wasn’t sure what to make of Wild Girl Waltz to begin with; I was hesitant to say I liked it but at the same time I didn’t want to dismiss this indie comedy directed by Mark Lewis. Therefore I sat back and simply watched, intrigued as the comedic scenarios unraveled – and I have to say that even though the quality was not perfect, I could certainly say the effort was there.]]>

I wasn’t sure what to make of Wild Girl Waltz to begin with; I was hesitant to say I liked it but at the same time I didn’t want to dismiss this indie comedy directed by Mark Lewis. Therefore I sat back and simply watched, intrigued as the comedic scenarios unraveled – and I have to say that even though the quality was not perfect, I could certainly say the effort was there.

We’re introduced firstly to Angie (Christina Shipp); she’s walking along the road side, minding her own business and enjoying the nice weather. Next minute she’s drenched in strawberry milkshake after a drive by window toss from two immature pranksters. This act alone might not have had you belly laughing, but Angie’s reaction gives you the comedy needed just two minutes into the opening scene. Whilst milkshake-soaked Angie flips out, we then meet Brian (Jared Stern) and Tara (Samantha Steinmetz) who are playfully arguing in their pine lodge kitchen. The chemistry between these characters is evident right from the start. Male lead Jared Stern acts with such strong charisma he is able to bring us back whenever the comedy dips into dead-pan territory.

Wild Girl Waltz does extremely well in keeping the comedy flowing, with a dynamic comedic duo and best friends Angie and Tara always giving us reason to laugh. The story is shaped around their decision to take ‘goofie pills’ and Brian (the boyfriend to Tara and the brother to Angie) has to deal with the consequences that ensue. Throughout, Brian gives off the impression that it’s a chore to look after the pair as their personalities, decision making and spontaneity are a little overwhelming, however, there are moments when the audience gets to see that he is enjoying the experience, even if the girls don’t.

Wild Girl Waltz movie

The choice to use country music throughout Wild Girl Waltz was a brilliant idea and very fitting to the feel of the film. It works perfectly to capture the essence of the storyline and as most of the film is shot as the group are riding through the countryside, there are many picturesque moments that coincide with the style of music and carefree attitude of the afternoon.

As the day unfolds there are so many little comedic gems that simply just ‘happen’, mainly through the sharp dialogue written by director Mark Lewis. Occasionally the events can take you by surprise – a specific scene has Brian commit a controversial act – you’ll know the one I mean when you see it for yourselves; it was done remarkably well and due to great plot timing you find yourself on his side and almost rooting for him!

Overall, Wild Girl Waltz is a good indie comedy with great entertaining moments, although it is not without its flaws. The quality is a little off and shots were a little shaky and over exposed, but filming on a very sunny day – it’s to be expected. I enjoyed the 82 minutes Wild Girl Waltz delivered and it will be placed amongst my list of indie favourites.

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