ice cream – Way Too Indie Independent film and music reviews Fri, 02 Dec 2016 17:34:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Way Too Indiecast is the official podcast of Our film critics grip and gush about the latest indie movies and sometimes even mainstream ones. Find all of our reviews, podcasts, news, at ice cream – Way Too Indie yes ice cream – Way Too Indie (ice cream – Way Too Indie) The Official Podcast of Way Too Indie ice cream – Way Too Indie Rwandan Drummers Rock California, Spread ‘Sweet Dreams’ Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 On Sunday night, Ingoma Nshya–Rwanda’s first female drum troupe and subjects of the wonderful documentary Sweet Dreams–filled the San Rafael Film Center in California with thunderous music, to the delight of the packed house in attendance. Traveling thousands of miles to the Bay Area to spread the word about the film (directed by siblings Lisa and […]]]>

On Sunday night, Ingoma Nshya–Rwanda’s first female drum troupe and subjects of the wonderful documentary Sweet Dreams–filled the San Rafael Film Center in California with thunderous music, to the delight of the packed house in attendance. Traveling thousands of miles to the Bay Area to spread the word about the film (directed by siblings Lisa and Rob Fruchtman), the visit was a more raucous and invigorating affair than the typical screening/Q&A event.

Following the troupe’s journey to open Rwanda’s first ice cream shop (spearheaded by the group’s matron, Kiki Katese, with the help of the good folks at Brooklyn’s Blue Marble Ice Cream) Sweet Dreams takes three ostensibly disparate elements–ice cream, drumming, and the Rwandan genocide–and churns them together to make a seamless, perfectly balanced story of hope in the wake of devastation. For my full thoughts on the film, check out our review.

Earlier in the night, the film was introduced by a Bay Area music legend, Mickey Hart of the Gratetful Dead, who gushed about the film and expressed his shared “drummer’s spirit” with the troupe. Also in attendance were the Fruchmans, Katese, and Alexis Miesen and Jennie Dundas of Blue Marble (who also appear in the film). Following the film, the Ingoma Nshya drummers performed an amazing routine, and were even joined onstage by Hart, who held his own with the Rwandans as they walloped their drums ferociously and in perfect sync.

Click to view slideshow.

Remember to check out our interview with Lisa Fruchtman.

If you live in the Bay Area, there are still plenty of opportunities to see Sweet Dreams for yourself, including a screening TONIGHT in Berkeley:

Opera Plaza San Francisco, CA

Sweet Dreams will be playing at the Opera Plaza for an extended stay. Lisa Fruchtman will be attending most screenings. Stay tuned for updates.

Tues Dec 10, 7:00 PM
Q&A with Lisa Fruchtman

Thu Dec 12, 7:00 PM
Q&A with Lisa Fruchtman

Shattuck Cinema Berkeley, CA

Sweet Dreams will be playing at the Shattuck Cinema for an extended stay. Lisa Fruchtman will be attending most screenings. Stay tuned for updates.

Mon Dec 9, 7:10 PM
Q&A with Lisa Fruchtman

Wed Dec 11, 7:10 PM
Q&A with Lisa Fruchtman

San Rafael Film Center

Sun Dec 15, 7:00 PM

For more info on screenings, visit 

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