Home » horror
Mike Flanagan and Kate Siegel on ‘Hush’ and Making a Film in Secret
C.J. Prince | April 7, 2016We talk to Mike Flanagan and Kate Siegel about their horror film 'Hush.'
C.J. Prince | March 31, 2016Offensive, lazy, and obnoxious, 'Darling' is asinine from start to finish.
Byron Bixler | March 28, 2016Aside from a neat visual gimmick, 'Pandemic' is a dull, schlocky affair.
Kill Me Please (ND/NF Review)
Michael Nazarewycz | March 22, 2016What starts out as a promising teen slasher soon falls victim to its own narcissism.
Friendship Comes First In Genre Gem ‘They Look Like People’
Bernard Boo | March 9, 2016Love and nightmares reign in this genre gem.
Way Too Indiecast 53: ‘The Witch,’ Pre-Code Hollywood With Elliot Lavine
Way Too Indie Staff | February 23, 2016It's podcast week here at Way Too Indie as we have not one, not two, but THREE episodes...
The Witch
Bernard Boo | February 19, 2016Almost sexual in its slow build to climax, Eggers' period piece carefully illuminates the horrors of domestic mistrust...
C.J. Prince | February 4, 2016This anthology horror by the makers of 'V/H/S' benefits from a strong thematic and visual core.
Director’s Cut (Slamdance Review)
Bernard Boo | January 22, 2016An inventive satire about the ever-narrowing relationship between artist and audience, Director’s Cut has a lot of interesting ideas...
C.J. Prince | January 19, 2016A remake whose irrelevance dominates every frame.
Michael Nazarewycz | January 15, 2016Intruders contains a wicked twist, but proves to be more of a gimmick bookended by cliche before it...
Flowers (Another Hole in the Head Review)
Eli Hayes | November 8, 2015A surreal, effective, and deeply experimental horror film from extreme horror filmmaker Phil Stevens which manages to get...
Bone Tomahawk
C.J. Prince | October 29, 2015A surprising horror/western mash-up with a terrific cast, 'Bone Tomahawk' is an impressive debut.
Hard Labor
Michael Nazarewycz | October 28, 2015An entrepreneur faces challenges both financial and supernatural in this plodding socioeconomic drama/horror.
The Inhabitants
Michael Nazarewycz | October 13, 2015Too many horror tropes distract the Rasmussen Brothers from achieving their true intention, mostly a collection of undeveloped...