Home » Holy Motors
Holy Motors
Best 50 Movies Of The Decade So Far (#30 – #21)
Way Too Indie Staff | March 4, 2015Midway through our list of the 50 Best Movies of the Decade So Far and we include Holy...
Way Too Indie’s Best Films of 2012
Dustin Jansick | December 28, 2012As the Way Too Indie Staff compiled their favorite films that had a U.S. theatrical release in 2012,...
Blake’s Top 10 Films of 2012
Blake Ginithan | December 7, 2012See what films made Blake Ginithan’s Top 10 Films of 2012. Click to view the full list of...
Staff Discussion and Analysis of Holy Motors
Dustin Jansick | November 16, 2012A few writers from Way Too Indie sit down to discuss, analyze and break-down some of the elements...
Holy Motors
Ananda Dillon | October 22, 2012Holy Motors opens in a theater of unmoving bodies, an unseen film plays. A man wakes in a...
CIFF 2012 Day 1: Holy Motors
Dustin Jansick | October 13, 2012My first day at the Chicago International Film Festival one is a relatively light one considering that I...
2012 Chicago International Film Festival Coverage Introduction
Dustin Jansick | October 11, 2012Fall is a great time to watch films. The combination of the days beginning to get colder and...
Chicago International Film Festival 2012 Lineup Announced
Dustin Jansick | September 20, 2012Nearly a month ago the first wave of 22 tiles were announced that would play at the 2012...
Chicago International Film Festival Announces First Titles For 2012 Lineup
Dustin Jansick | August 23, 2012Part of the 2012 Chicago International Film Festival Lineup has been revealed today when they announced the first...
New York Film Festival Reveals 2012 Main Slate Lineup
C.J. Prince | August 16, 2012While Toronto and Venice might take up the spotlight throughout September, New York also has its own film...
Watch: Holy Motors Trailer
Dustin Jansick | May 27, 2012If there is one consensus critics are saying about the film Holy Motors at Cannes Film Festival, it...
2012 Cannes Lineup
Dustin Jansick | April 19, 2012The lineup announcement for the 2012 Cannes Film Festival came in today. We reported that Moonrise Kingdom from...