Comments on: Greenberg Independent film and music reviews Thu, 15 Mar 2018 20:06:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dustin Jansick Sat, 14 May 2011 15:42:50 +0000 Good points Ashley. I agree with you about her feeling insecure.

By: ashleybrooklyn Sat, 14 May 2011 06:10:25 +0000 Just wanted to say that I really loved this film – regarding Greenburg’s stint at the mental institution, he was OCD and suffered from a somatoform disorder (he mentioned in the movie not being able to move his legs for two weeks or two months). Also I agree that Roger and Florenence’s relationship moved too fast, like when they meet for drinks for the first time and then 5 minutes later he’s going down on her – initially I was like “yeah right” but then I thought about Florence – she’s attracted to him because of the male, patriarchal power thing, he’s her bosses’ brother; also she’s attracted to him because she’s insecure and just getting out of a relationship – she was seen in the begining of the movie sleeping with some random dude she met at an art gallery. Anyway, my point is, I think it worked in the movie because it was reflecting Florence’s character, that’s who she was, I don’t think the movie was lacking because we didn’t see them flirting, etc. I love the way the movie ended, with Florence on her cell phone telling Roger “this is you” when she gets to the voice mail Roger left her about feeling like Bud Fox in Wall Street screaming “who am I’ – so it’s like in the end he found himself; he’s okay with fucking up the record deal and being a carpentar in brooklyn and dating Florence…yay!

By: 2011 Independent Spirit Nominations movie review - Way Too Indie Thu, 02 Dec 2010 15:10:49 +0000 […] Female Lead: Annette Bening, The Kids Are All Right Greta Gerwig, Greenberg Nicole Kidman, Rabbit Hole Jennifer Lawrence, Winter’s Bone Natalie Portman, Black Swan Michelle […]
