Pioneer Los Angeles FRAUD Filmmaker Brent Bateman’s 2012 movie FRAUD
was embraced by a conservative outlier audience during the Obama
re-election cycle.
Now, Los Angeles liberal darling Dean Fleischer-Camp’s FRAUD revels
in poking fun at the “Walmart customer” in his subterranean hit movie of
the same title.
Mere Coincidence? I highly doubt it. As the cliche` conveys– “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”.
“Paybacks are hell” and as those Hollywood insiders of yesterday
become the outsiders of today, there is certainly money to be made as
the voice of the opposition.
The political landscape has completely changed. The pendulum swings
toward the right and history is revised, deleted and wholly re-purposed
in ways quite similar to Dean Fleischer-Camp’s creation of spliced
together YouTube videos to fabricate a pseudo-crime documentary.
Questions of what is legit and what is fake become all too subjective. Conspiracies abound.
Political art is the theme as US flags wave around every corner..
As another saying goes, “Winners write history” and how aptly the
movie title FRAUD succinctly describes the currency that both sides of
the political aisle trade in through the marketplace of sensationalist
New empires build upon the strewn rubble of their predecessors.
Likewise, Dean Fleischer-Camp’s FRAUD “piggybacks” on the lingering
controversy surrounding Brent Bateman’s absurd indictment of the Obama
Although a completely different film, Dean’s FRAUD is nonetheless a
political commentary illustrating how empty, soulless US consumerism
runs amok.
As such, the reality of President Trump is the logical extension of what
happens to people devoid of compassion and only chasing after the next
novelty without concern for the consequences.
Obama’s legacy diminishes daily.
Trump is redefining Obama in ridiculous ways and with no regard to history or truth.
The orange Circus Clown distracts us with his piccadilly promises and cheap parlor tricks.
The bigger the lie, the better. His brand is everything.
Perpetrating the FRAUD has become the law of the land.