Comments on Mike Flanagan and Kate Siegel on ‘Hush’ and Making a Film in SecretIndependent film and music reviews2018-03-15T20:06:00Z ncmacaslncmacasl did the filmmakers not consider actually using a DEAF actress for the role? Many within the American Deaf community would call this “putting on a deaf face” much like a white actor playing a Black/Asian/Native American character? There are so many very qualified Deaf actors who would have done well in this role, it is disappointing to see the filmmakers ignore this community.
]]>By: Movies and TV to Stream This Weekend – April 8 News - Way Too IndieMovies and TV to Stream This Weekend – April 8 News - Way Too Indie[…] Mike Flanagan’s Hush, the latest film by the director of the underrated Absentia and Oculus (check out our interview with Flanagan and Seigel). Because of the protagonist’s inability to speak or hear, Hush keeps dialogue to an absolute […]