Comments on: How the Extended Cut of Margaret restores its scope and ambition Independent film and music reviews Thu, 15 Mar 2018 20:06:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: DKay Wed, 08 Aug 2012 08:40:00 +0000 CJ, excellent breakdown. Ive been waiting a while to see this and was very impressed. With the film and your analysis. It’d be cool to hear KL actually say what you have essentially said: the extra 36 enhances the “bigger picture” and hits the bigger meaning on the head. Or has he and I missed it in my scouring the net? That said, a little devil’s advocate for you… Is it possible the xtra 36 is too heavy handed in that way and KL appreciates both cuts because the longer can be at times (not often) meandering a liitle too far? 2nd: In another life, with more experience directing say, could he had shot more scenes/shot differently to make the editing process uhh, easier and thus drive home the “individually we are all ‘ants’ in a big universe” theme in 150 instead of 186? And maybe thats why he’s not to keen on discussing such editing topics? Or is he truly taking the high road…
