Comments on: 20 Great Horror Films You Haven’t Seen Part 1 Independent film and music reviews Thu, 15 Mar 2018 20:06:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terry Sat, 14 Sep 2013 12:49:00 +0000 I loathe Wolf Creek more than any “horror” movie I’ve ever seen. Actually, it’s not even properly classified as horror. It should be classified as a snuff movie because it’s pretty much the next best thing to the real thing. The story was actually “inspired” by true events (that have impacted Aussie’s very deeply). Aint that something? A pseudo-snuff flick director finds real life sadistic murderers an inspiration. But if your idea of entertainment is to watch a film in which the whole point is to watch women get abducted, imprisoned, raped, horrendously tortured, have their spines broken and then kept for more rape, then viciously killed all by a true to life, revolting old bloke, then this is definitely your go to movie. It’s really handy if actual real life footage of all this is hard to come by in your area. The guy who starred as the killer ended up stalking his ex-girlfriend using his Wolf Creek voice to terrorize her on the phone/voice mail. That should tell you something about the psychotic point of this movie. Sorry about the rant. It’s nothing personal. I just had to say something because I’ve been searching for new horror flicks for hours & too many people recommend Wolf Creek. You just happened to be the last straw 🙂

By: mogonk Thu, 02 May 2013 08:26:00 +0000 Unfortunately, contrary to the title of the article I have seen all of these. Most are good recommendations though.
